
Bob Ross Fans

Web Site  

        Welcome to my very first web site, honoring our wonderful, favorite and talented painter BOB ROSS.  We, the fans, needed a place where we would praise our favorite painter who helped us discover not only the art of painting but also the potential that we all share, that artist who lays in each of us. 

        Most of us found ourselves one day glued to the TV screen, captivated and at awe watching Bob mastering his wet-on-wet technique, teaching us with his now so well-known soft-spoken voice!  Bob once said : "There is no mistake, only little happy accident So, if one day you happened to change the TV channel and ended up on Bob's The Joy Of Painting program, well, what an happy little accident that was!

        Since I am new at building web sites, I will work regularly on the site.  Until then, may you all feel free to comment and participate numerously to the success of "our, the fans" web site.  Enjoy !!!  ... and God Bless my friends! 


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Revised: April 29, 2001